Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cinergy Health: You Can Loose Weight at Work

Anyone who sits all day at a desk knows how easy it is to gain weight there. Snacks help get us through the day by helping us stay alert and focused, but the snacks we eat are usually not of the most nutritions kind.

If we get very focused on a project or task, we might work right through our lunch break, and then when we finally do eat we eat too much of fast food which can also be highly caloric.

Even eating properly is hazardous if we really sit all day, our only exercise being the trip to the cooler or coffee machine.

for some tips and advice on how to eat better and get exercise while on the job, take a look at this fascinating article: "Lose Weight While You Work? It Can Be Done!"

Cinergy Health wants you to find ways of making everyday a day of great health choices.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cinergy Health 2003

Cinergy Health, was founded in 2003. After five years of consistent growth Cinergy broke the $100 million mark of annual sales in late 2008.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cinergy Health: Offering Health Care Savings

As healthcare costs and insurance premiums continue to rise more and more businesses are unable to offer generous employee health plans. Individuals and families searching for private health coverage are finding Cinergy Health offers the healthcare savings solutions that they can count on.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cinergy Health Praises Obama’s Call for Cost Control and Competition

Commenting on President Barak Obama’s position concerning health care insurance in the nation, Cinergy Health expressed his approval of remarks made by the President at a press conference held in Aventura, Florida this past June.
"As politicians from both sides of the aisle debate the nuances of the health care proposal put forth by the nation's chief executive, Cinergy Health is pleased to see Mr. Obama remind us all what the central issues are in this issue which is crucial to our country. The President pointed to the imperative to control costs while encouraging competition in the health insurance marketplace, which will, in turn, result in consumers having more and better choices of health care benefits plans. Mr. Obama indicated that traditional health insurance companies seem to spend more time finding ways not to cover pre-existing conditions than providing health care for people when it is needed. Beyond saying that is patently wrong, Cinergy Health has taken the bold step to provide a solution,"

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Medicare fees

Medicare physician payments have been the topic of discussion between Democrats and Republicans recently. The health care plans of the Obama administration as well as the whole Democratic Party have undergone a number of changes in the year since Obama was elected president, and now there are further "cosmetic changes" being made by the Democrats.

The Democrats realize that it is essential for them to minimize the opposition to the health care reforms in order to push through the bulk of the health care plans that they have been working on. One of the areas that they are addressing is the planned pay cuts to physicians.

The Medicare program that cares for the less established sick relies heavily on the doctors who join the Medicare program by taking on a patient load through Medicare. Physicians and patients alike, and especially health insurance executives like those at Cinergy Health, know that cutting physicians' fees on Medicare poses a danger to the entire Medicare system.

Cinergy Health in New York says that talk of pay cuts for Medicare physicians "has been terrorizing doctors for a number of years." Pay cuts will lead to physicians cutting their Medicare patient load.

This is one of the reasons that Congress has routinely suspended Medicare physician pay cuts since 2003.