Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cinergy Health Doctor Endorses Networking for Better Care

As new technologies enter our lives at an increasingly faster pace, it is worthwhile to step back for a moment and reflect whether this particular innovation is actually improving our lives or not.

Take, as an example, social networking tools such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. In and of themselves, they are neither good nor bad. Rather, it is how and for what they are used which defines their value.

The latest use of social networking is as a tool of the health-care profession. Dr. Erika Schwartz, a director and specialist in internal medicine at Cinergy Health has an opinion on this issue.

``If it doesn't serve the patient, using it (the social networking tool) is unacceptable. Sometimes, we all get carried away with the novelty of something.''
Her caution does not mean that she is against the use of social networking tools when they do enhance communication, information distribution and well-being. Dr. Schwartz has her own Facebook page, and she uses her e-mail account to keep in touch with her patients. She has found that many doctor visits can be eliminated when patients can ask their questions and express their concerns through her email account.

``The Internet is a great opportunity to create a better connection between doctors and patients,''
Schwartz says.
``I'm a big fan of social networking. It reaches people. There's a lot of information that can be shared. But it's got to be done with respect to the doctor-patient relationship.''

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cinergy Health Offers Ways to Stop the Spread of Flu at Work

Certainly, in a tight economy, people feel the pressure to come to work, even if they are sick. This can put others at risk, however, and can make it more likely that the flu virus will spread this winter. Cinergy Health offer sound advice to keep flu at bay this winter – even as you continue working in a large office environment.

Getting the flu vaccine can certainly help with prevention. In addition, Cinergy Health  recommend that you get plenty of rest this winter and eat a balanced diet. Proper nutrition helps your immune system to stay strong.

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough and sneeze, and teach others in your office to do so as well. If you don’t have a tissue available, cough into your sleeve, not into your hand. This will prevent the spread of germs as much as possible. These are a few of the many tips that can help you to stay healthy this winter.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Parent Vaccine Fears Unnecessary, Cinergy Health Says

Certainly, there is a great deal of buzz this year about the H1N1 vaccine. Should you vaccinate your children? Should you have both the H1N1 vaccine and the regular flu vaccine? According to the Chief Medical Director of Cinergy Health, Dr. Margaret Lewin, you should certainly have your children vaccinated for both types of flu.

Dr. Lewin explains that H1N1 is quite dangerous for children, and that it makes sense to protect kids against risks that can be avoided. As this Cinergy Health Director explains, “Are you really going to risk your child’s well-being? This flu vaccine is being tested widely. Why wouldn’t you want your child to have as much immunity as possible?”

Both vaccines can be administered on the same day. Doctors recommend that pregnant women, people of all ages with health issues, the elderly, people who have children under six months of age, health professions and people who are 24 years old and under get the H1N1 vaccine. They should get the seasonal flu vaccine as well as the swine flu vaccine.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Smooth Doctor Visits with Cinergy Health Recommendations

Whether you’re switching doctors or just going to your regular doctor for a visit, it’s always a good idea to plan ahead. Cinergy Health, helps parents to approach their doctor’s visits in a more organized and comprehensive fashion.

When you first start with a new doctor, you need to verbally give the doctor a detailed medical history for the child (or yourself) and physically hand over your file, if you have it, from your previous doctor. It should include allergies, surgeries you’ve had, serious illnesses, family medical history, medications you take, and more.

Bring an organized list with you of all of your questions and issues, and try not to steer from the list. You might even want to give the doctor a copy of the list. If the doctor offers advice or recommendations, make sure to repeat his words so that you are sure you understand what he is saying. If you are given new medications, ask a lot of questions. You need to know what the side effects might be and check that the new medicine doesn’t interfere with anything you are currently taking.

Using these recommendations from Cinergy Health one should have a more productive and successful doctor visit each time you go for a checkup.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lifestyle Changes Really Can Reduce Health Care Costs

As the nation wrestles with health care reform, doctors and health professionals have pinpointed important ways that individuals can help to reduce the national health care price tag.  By taking better care of yourself, and by eliminating or moderating certain lifestyle choices, we can actually minimize health care expenses.

Here, we explore a few key ways that we can help to reduce the national health care cost.  According to the CDC, excessive alcohol consumption is the third leading lifestyle-related cuase of death in the United States each year.  As the medical director for Cinergy Health, Dr. Margaret Lewin explains, "Nearly a quarter of general hospital admissions in the country are either directly or indirectly related to alcoholism," said Lewin.

Another culprit to our health is salt.  Excessive sodium consumption can lead to many health concerns, including hypertension, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.  Adults should only consume 2300 mg, or about a teaspoon, of salt each day, according to the Institute of Medicine.  Cinergy Health expert Dr. Lewin explains that "Heart disease and strokes are the first and third leading causes of death in the United States" and that "…the total cost to health care to treat both these diseases is as high as $475 billion a year."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cinergy Health Encouraging Protection Against Swine Flu This Winter

Winter is about to begin and flu season is upon us. This year there is widening concern that Swine Flu, or H1N1 virus is highly virulent and can cause death more readily than typical flu viruses we have encountered in the past. Nevertheless, it appears that many people are choosing not to vaccinate themselves or their children.
People have become complacent Cinergy Health, a health insurance company that stresses preventive health care.

"Today's families are too young to remember the fatalities and disabilities that can result from influenza."

There are many children whose parents have decided not to vaccinate them for the other viruses of childhood, such as measles or rubella, and no serious repercussions have appeared.

“They are benefiting from 'herd immunity.  If the majority of a school is vaccinated against a particular illness, then the un-immunized will also be protected--unless they travel to a country where a particular disease is more widespread.”

In many cases parents are worried that the vaccines themselves may cause illness, such as the development of Guillain-Barre syndrome. However this notion seems to be misguided, with scientists now stating that any connection that was apparent between the “swine flu” vaccine of the winter of 1976-77 and Guillain-Barre was overblown.

"Statistically, we know that a certain number of people are going to encounter various health problems, with or without receiving a vaccine."

The government is preparing baseline statistics to see what types of illnesses or other reactions would have happened anyway, even without administering the vaccine. Hopefully this will assuage concerns that the vaccines caused any harm.

To alleviate fears and encourage people to get vaccinated against H1N1 the government is watching the situation closely. According to a National Vaccine Program spokesman, who stated on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” out of 10 million swine flu doses that have already been administered, there have been no notable problems.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cinergy Health: You Can Loose Weight at Work

Anyone who sits all day at a desk knows how easy it is to gain weight there. Snacks help get us through the day by helping us stay alert and focused, but the snacks we eat are usually not of the most nutritions kind.

If we get very focused on a project or task, we might work right through our lunch break, and then when we finally do eat we eat too much of fast food which can also be highly caloric.

Even eating properly is hazardous if we really sit all day, our only exercise being the trip to the cooler or coffee machine.

for some tips and advice on how to eat better and get exercise while on the job, take a look at this fascinating article: "Lose Weight While You Work? It Can Be Done!"

Cinergy Health wants you to find ways of making everyday a day of great health choices.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cinergy Health 2003

Cinergy Health, was founded in 2003. After five years of consistent growth Cinergy broke the $100 million mark of annual sales in late 2008.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cinergy Health: Offering Health Care Savings

As healthcare costs and insurance premiums continue to rise more and more businesses are unable to offer generous employee health plans. Individuals and families searching for private health coverage are finding Cinergy Health offers the healthcare savings solutions that they can count on.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cinergy Health Praises Obama’s Call for Cost Control and Competition

Commenting on President Barak Obama’s position concerning health care insurance in the nation, Cinergy Health expressed his approval of remarks made by the President at a press conference held in Aventura, Florida this past June.
"As politicians from both sides of the aisle debate the nuances of the health care proposal put forth by the nation's chief executive, Cinergy Health is pleased to see Mr. Obama remind us all what the central issues are in this issue which is crucial to our country. The President pointed to the imperative to control costs while encouraging competition in the health insurance marketplace, which will, in turn, result in consumers having more and better choices of health care benefits plans. Mr. Obama indicated that traditional health insurance companies seem to spend more time finding ways not to cover pre-existing conditions than providing health care for people when it is needed. Beyond saying that is patently wrong, Cinergy Health has taken the bold step to provide a solution,"

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Medicare fees

Medicare physician payments have been the topic of discussion between Democrats and Republicans recently. The health care plans of the Obama administration as well as the whole Democratic Party have undergone a number of changes in the year since Obama was elected president, and now there are further "cosmetic changes" being made by the Democrats.

The Democrats realize that it is essential for them to minimize the opposition to the health care reforms in order to push through the bulk of the health care plans that they have been working on. One of the areas that they are addressing is the planned pay cuts to physicians.

The Medicare program that cares for the less established sick relies heavily on the doctors who join the Medicare program by taking on a patient load through Medicare. Physicians and patients alike, and especially health insurance executives like those at Cinergy Health, know that cutting physicians' fees on Medicare poses a danger to the entire Medicare system.

Cinergy Health in New York says that talk of pay cuts for Medicare physicians "has been terrorizing doctors for a number of years." Pay cuts will lead to physicians cutting their Medicare patient load.

This is one of the reasons that Congress has routinely suspended Medicare physician pay cuts since 2003.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tips For a Healthier Halloween from Cinergy Health

Cinergy Health' has a number of tips to give parents as the Halloween holiday approaches. No matter how much you try or explain to your children, Halloween almost always means eating far too many candies. Not only does eating too many candies mean that you will put on weight, but it also has many negative effects on your teeth and your overall health. Furthermore, when it comes to children, too much sugar as well as the artificial ingredients that are the backbone of all sweets and candies can have a direct and fast effect on their behavior.

Indeed, Halloween is the time of year to heed all the nutritionists who advise parents how to weather the festive season without too many illnesses or teeth cavities.  Cinergy Health suggests parents that to look after themselves and their children they should buy treats that they don’t particularly like. This makes it easier to resist the sweets.

Cinergy Health, made the media rounds recently to issue recommendations for kids and adults alike to avoid gorging on candy. Buy treats “that you don’t particularly like, making it easier to resist.”

Some further recommendations are to give toys instead of candies and taste one of the candies to get an idea of what it is about, and then throw the rest away!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cinergy Health Preferred Insurance Plans

Our Cinergy Health Preferred Insurance Plans are limited medical benefit plans, which provide first dollar coverage for the predictable medical care people need most frequently. These insurance plans provide coverage starting with a member's very first doctor's visit without a deductible so that you don't put off important medical care. From doctor visits and diagnostics to maternity and surgeries you can feel confident that you have the essential coverage you need that's easily within your budget. And best of all, you can choose your own doctors and hospitals without being confined to a list.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Health care with Cinergy Health Insurance

I really must make sure that one of the more essential things that I need to worry about at my work is taken care of. When I was considering all my options, and I had applied to a number of new positions at different companies, I made sure to inquire about the health care plans that were part of the contracts. I have never moved a muscle or lived a day without a health care plan – and it is one of the very basic facts of life that I know I must take care of. Unfortunately we see that the news is full of the discussions and debates over the health care reforms, and you don't want to be one of the many Americans who lack efficient health care plans – or even a health plan at all. Also, I know of many businesses – and I have even experienced this myself – where they simply are unable to offer plans that will deal with most eventualities.

Health care is costing more and more, and the insurance premiums are often a real financial drain that make it very difficult for individuals to sign up to the plans that will offer them the coverage they know they want and need. Even many businesses are finding it difficult in the current economic climate to sign up to the plans and insurance programs that their employees want and need. Cinergy Health Insurance is a welcome change that can revolutionize the whole health insurance industry. What Cinergy Health does is offer the plans that cover the most often needed treatments and medications, so that when you need to find health insurance that covers all the essentials and also offers you big savings, Cinergy Health Inc. is the company that allows you to be safe and secure with the knowledge that you are fortunate to have affordable health care and insurance premiums that allow you to live.

CINERGY HEALTH, Inc. has its headquarters in Miami and Cinergy Health Insurance provides the health plans and coverage that are winning many proponents and supporters.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cinergy Health

CINERGY HEALTH, Inc., headquartered in Miami, Florida, is a nationwide provider of innovative and affordable health insurance solutions designed to meet the changing needs of American families. Recognizing the financial challenges for people who cannot afford or qualify for costly major medical insurance plans, Cinergy Health designs and delivers lower cost alternative health plans that facilitate access to quality healthcare services and enable people to maintain better health.