Cinergy Health' has a number of tips to give parents as the Halloween holiday approaches. No matter how much you try or explain to your children, Halloween almost always means eating far too many candies. Not only does eating too many candies mean that you will put on weight, but it also has many negative effects on your teeth and your overall health. Furthermore, when it comes to children, too much sugar as well as the artificial ingredients that are the backbone of all sweets and candies can have a direct and fast effect on their behavior.
Indeed, Halloween is the time of year to heed all the nutritionists who advise parents how to weather the festive season without too many illnesses or teeth cavities. Cinergy Health suggests parents that to look after themselves and their children they should buy treats that they don’t particularly like. This makes it easier to resist the sweets.
Cinergy Health, made the media rounds recently to issue recommendations for kids and adults alike to avoid gorging on candy. Buy treats “that you don’t particularly like, making it easier to resist.”
Some further recommendations are to give toys instead of candies and taste one of the candies to get an idea of what it is about, and then throw the rest away!