Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yes, You Can Travel Pregnant!

While some people have the misconception that they shouldn’t travel at all while pregnant, the facts really counter this idea.  Certainly, if you have terrible morning sickness and won’t enjoy the trip, or if you are over 36 weeks pregnant, you should probably stay home.  In general, however, travel can actually be a great way for a pregnant woman to relax and escape life’s daily stresses.

Before leaving, however, you should definitely check in with your obstetrician.  According to Cinergy Health  you should “check with your obstetrician to see if there are any special precautions you should take when traveling – especially if you’re going outside of North America or Western Europe.”

In general, a woman has very little risk of having a pregnancy complication up until the 36th week of pregnancy.  So, book your trip and enjoy your time away!